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Hysterical Strength and a Rescue in Downtown Roanoke

You know how you witness something shocking, and it takes you a moment to process it, because your brain is in denial? Fortunately, that’s not what happened to Danny Wilkins one evening several months ago.

Danny was heading to his car following a workout at the Downtown Roanoke Y when he noticed a man in trouble: the man had jacked his car up, presumably to fix a tire, but the jack had failed and the car had fallen. The man was pinned beneath the car, and the situation was life-threatening.

A former Army EMT who was based in Cambodia, Danny didn’t hesitate; he instantly assessed the man’s condition and raced to help him. He strained to lift the Volkswagen Jetta, and managed to raise the axle enough for the man to slide out from under the vehicle. The man was going into shock, but someone had called 911, and an ambulance soon arrived to take him to the hospital.

That’s not the end of the story, though. The physical exertion of lifting so much weigh caused Danny to clench his teeth, resulting in one of his front teeth cracking and breaking. He actually heard the tooth pop from all the pressure, but didn't feel anything until his tongue brushed against the jagged edge of the broken tooth. Fortunately, the tooth was fixable, and Danny’s smile is once again looking good.

But we’re not done here! Danny did not get the man’s name, and would like to know how he is doing. If you know anything about this incident, please let us know through this blog.

In case you're curious about how a man can lift a car, check out this article about hysterical strength:

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